We dispute the incorrect – negative accounts that are currently being reported on your credit report with the three major credit bureaus
Silver Plus
Initial Investment of $99- Initial one on one credit consultation
- Credit restoration for the 3 major credit bureaus
- Email Credit Advise and counseling
- Ability to make major purchases
- Ability to secure lines of credit
Premium Gold
Initial Investment of $199- Initial one on one credit consultation
- Credit restoration for the 3 major credit bureaus
- Home buying and auto purchase assistance
- Assistance in securing a major purchase
- Access to lines of credit and one on one credit advice
Platinum Executive
Initial Investment of $299- Detailed Tri-merge consumer credit report evaluation
- Advance credit restoration at an accelerated pace
- Full-service credit inquiry investigation
- Personal Credit & Financial Concierge
- Complete concierge home buying service
We only dispute the incorrect-negative accounts such as late payments, charge offs, collections, student loans, child support, repossessions, forecloses, judgments, tax liens, and many others. We Offer a Money Back Guarantee, we guarantee to get a minimum of 75 % of the incorrect negative accounts that are currently being reported on your credit report, updated to a positive status, example: paid in full never late, pay as agree never late or deleted all together as if you never had the account. If we can not get a minimum of 75 % of your incorrect negative accounts updated to a positive status 100% of your investment will be refunded back to you.
Money Back Guarantee Only Applies when Balance Is Paid In Full within the First 30 days of Service.
Total Fee $1299 | Initial Investment $299 | 4 Easy Payments of $250
Benefits of this plan include:
- Detailed Tri-merge consumer credit report evaluation By Sr. Credit Consultant (Service overview and score explanation with Sr. Credit Consultant)
- Advance credit restoration at an accelerated pace (Priority Credit restoration with service reminders by Sr. Credit Consultant)
- Full-service credit inquiry investigation (Research and removal of consumer inquires)
- 7 day a week email support w/12 hr. response time (We will available to service you via email 7 days a week)
- 6day a week phone support Mon-Sat 9 am to 7 pm (We will be available via phone 6 days per week)
- Personal Credit & Financial Concierge (Full assistance with credit and financial decisions, Financial budget, and major purchases)
- One on one premium credit advice (Detail research on future home and vehicle purchase, full-service lines of credit access, ability to secure personal loans)
- Complete concierge home buying service (Relator, and mortgage service)
- Full concierge auto purchase assistance (Assisting you and securing the best auto deal)
- If anything that was deleted returns to your credit within the next 5 years we will remove it for free.

Total Fee $999 | Initial Investment $199 | 4 Easy Payments of $200
Benefits of this plan include:
- Free upfront consumer credit report
- Initial one on one credit consultation
- Credit restoration for the 3 major credit bureaus
- 6 days a week email support w/2 hr. response time
- 5 days a week phone support M-F 9 am to 5 pm
- Home buying service assistance
- Auto purchase assistance
- Assistance in securing a major purchase
- Access to lines of credit
- One on one credit advice
- Weekly credit 101 information emails
Total Fee $499 | Initial Investment $99 | 4 Easy Payments of $100
Benefits of this plan include:
- Initial one on one credit consultation
- Credit restoration for the 3 major credit bureaus
- Available for email support 5 days per week w/24 hr. response time
- Available for phone support M-F 10 am to 2 pm
- Email Credit Advise and counseling
- Monthly Credit need to know information email
- Ability to make major purchases
- Ability to secure lines of credit

Additional Services
Additional Services

Notary Service ($10)

Document and Contract Service ($10)

Single Consumer Credit Report w/o score ($10) each

Tri-merge Consumer Credit Report w/ scores ($35)

Identity Theft Plan ($15 monthly)

Credit Maintenance ($25) biweekly

Personal Legal Shield Protection ($25) monthly

Legal Shield Business Plan ($50) monthly

Inquiry Removal & Restoration ($100)

Check Systems Evaluation and Restoration ($150)

Do It Yourself Credit Packet ($150)

60 min credit consultation ($99)
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Just Open a New Credit File?
Your credit report is associated with your social security number. It is illegal to get a new social security number. You will always have that number, so it is not possible to just start your credit report over. It has to be repaired or you need to wait years for negative information to automatically be dropped.
How Fast Will I See Results after starting Credit Repair?
How long it takes to see results is different for each person’s situation. The credit reporting agencies can take up to 45 days to respond, although they usually respond quicker at times. Some people have very complicated issues to resolve with their credit. If you don’t have any good credit information on your credit report then some credit building will need to be done. Removing bad credit information isn’t the only part of repairing credit. Your credit score is also based on how many positive credit items you have on your credit report.
How Does Credit Repair Work?
More than 79% of files with the credit reporting agencies contain errors and misinformation. When the information is contested, the credit reporting agency must remove it until they can verify it to be factual and to be within the statute of limitations.
What if the Credit Reporting Agency Doesn’t Respond?
Credit reporting agencies have to complete their investigation into false credit information allegations within 40 days by law. They will follow up on your claim of inaccurate information with the company that reported it. The agency then has ten business days to inform you of the result.
How Do I Know How the Repair Is Coming Along?
The three largest credit reporting agencies (TransUnion, Experian and Equifax) will send you regular reports as they make changes on your credit report. You will receive reports that list negative items being removed, acknowledgements that items have been challenged, etc.
Is Credit Repair Legal?
The information stored at credit reporting agencies is information that is about you and it affects your life. The U.S. government has mandated that you have a right to have any information removed that is not correct or is obsolete. The credit reporting agencies must remove or correct any information that they cannot validate as being factual. It doesn’t matter if the item is true. The credit bureau must supply evidence that it is factual information. If they cannot prove it to be factual, then they must remove it from your credit file.
Get In Touch
The Woodlands Office :
The Woodlands,
TX 77380